Thursday, March 5, 2009

  • It's not who votes that matters, but who counts the votes:
    • E-VOTE BOMBSHELL: Diebold Tabulator Drops Votes, Allows Undetectable Audit Log Deletion (bradblog) "That's right. The Diebold/Premier vote tabulation system in question, not only fails to record all events accurately, and sometimes at all, it also allows for anyone with access to the system, to completely delete audit logs, covering the tracks of any tampering that may have occurred, at any time, on the system."
    • German High Court: E-Voting Unconstitutional (bradblog)
    • See also my 02-05-09 entry (Election Theft - HAVA . . . )
    • Democrat pols in D.C. seem as dumb as rocks when it comes to doing what is necessary to assure free and fair elections. They continue to be enthralled by technical, electronic solutions when the only real solution is old fashioned: The only safe way to vote is with a marker - on a paper ballot - that is placed in a clear, always-visible ballot box - and is hand-counted at the same polling place at the end of the day in full close-up view by public observers -- nationwide. Repeal HAVA and replace it with comprehensive modern legislation that takes the electoral processes out of the hands of corporations and puts them back into the hands of local citizens -- WITHOUT ELECTRONIC CONTRIVANCES. Couple this with comprehensive, NATIONWIDE CONFORMITY of all federal, state and local laws so they promote electoral participation and make it VERY, VERY COSTLY for any individual or governmental body to try in any way to disenfranchise a voter of his right to vote.
  • IC 5146: The Cocoon Nebula (apod)
    • Doomed Comet (spaceweather Commentary - Movie) -- Watch its final plunge into the sun. I observed one of these little guys when I first began watching SOHO time lapse movies daily several years ago. No specific mention of it was ever made by SOHO of the one I saw, just general information that it happens very often. This is probably how Earth first accumulated its vast supply of water -- and probably still does daily -- though now from much, much, much smaller snowballs.