Wednesday, March 4, 2009

  • Unveiling the Matrix:
    • Lendman: Capitalism on Trial (sjlendman)
    • Our Worst Enemies Aren't Terrorists: Rethinking National Security on a Sinking Planet (alternet) "The typical American meal travels, on average, 1,000 miles to get to your plate. The wheat in your burger bun may be from Canada, the beef from Argentina, and the tomato from Chile."
  • Only in an Administration of Adults:
    • Obama Restoring Endangered Species Act Provision (washingtonpost)
    • FEMA:
      • Digby: No Job Search At The Arabian Horse Shows (digbysblog) -- Qualified FEMA director named. -- Too bad he'll also be the one we blame when hungry, pissed-off, jobless Americans start rioting, as has already happen in Europe, Africa and Asia - and protesters start disappearing into "immigrant detention centers." See also my 01-30-09 entry (Project Censored's # 6 story . . .)
      • Competence Returns to FEMA (firedoglake)
    • FCC:
      • Obama's FCC Pick Another Good Sign for Open Media (huffingtonpost) -- Looks like a protector of net neutrality -- but how does he feel about media consolidation and its effects on an informed electorate?
  • Don't Drink the Water and Don't Breathe the Air: Tom Lehrer
    • 10 Things We Didn’t Know About Food (timesonline/uk) "How the authors of the new Rough Guide to Food lost their appetites for the food industry"
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Israelisch Reich vs Palestinian Vermin:
      • More and More Israeli's Favor Separation of Arabs from Israelis (alternet)
      • Lendman: Human Rights in Israel and Palestine (sjlendman)
  • Restore the Rule of Law:
    • The International Criminal Court Speaks (wonkroom) "The International Criminal Court, or ICC, has issued an arrest warrant for Sudan’s President, Omar al-Bashir, on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes."
    • G. W. Bush: Dictatorship Fine - "Just So Long As I'm the Dictator"
      • Horton: The Period From Late 2001-January 19, 2009, This Country Was A Dictatorship (georgewashington2)
      • Leopold:: Justice Memos Gave Bush Total Power (consortiumnews) "Lawyers for George W. Bush’s Justice Department asserted that the President had unlimited powers to prosecute the 'war on terror' on American soil and could ignore constitutional rights, including First Amendment freedoms of speech and the press and Fourth Amendment requirements for search warrants, according to nine secret memos just released."
      • Parry: How Close the Bush Bullet (consortiumnews) -- Well, it was not just idle joking. He WAS dictator from shortly after 9/11 until Obama's inauguration. In a just and rule-of-law world, these guys would be kicking helplessly at the air for a few very long moments.
      • Cohn: Newly Released Secret Memos Provide the Blueprint for Bush's Police State (alternet)
      • Wolf: John Yoo's Legal Groundwork for Subverting the Republic (commondreams)
      • Greenwald: The Newly Released Secret Laws of the Bush Administration (salon)
  • Equality for All Under the Law:
    • Same-sex spouses put DOMA on trial (
    • Married Same-Sex Couples Denied Thousands Of Dollars In Vital Federal Benefits And Protections (wonkroom)
  • Fundies the Same the World Over:
    • Malaysia revives ban on Christian use of "Allah" (alarabiya)
  • Saturn in View (apod)