Saturday, March 7, 2009

  • The Great Economic Shakedown:
    • Krugman: Obama Is Dithering on the Economy - Quit Dithering (nytimes) -- Actions not matching his words.
    • What the Great Republicon Recession Looks Like So Far (thinkprogress)
    • When securitization blew up, so did the economy (onlinejournal) "This new 'securities-based' credit system emerged almost entirely in the last decade and had never been stress-tested to see if it could withstand normal market turbulence."
  • Restore the Rule of Law - Obama Protecting the Guilty:
    • Making Sure We Don't Get Full Justice: Karl Rove's testimony to Congress about the firing of US attorneys will obscure, not reveal, the truth of the past eight years (guardian/uk)
    • Obama lawyers argue to drop Yoo torture suit (sfgate)
    • George Bush could be next on the war crimes list at The Hague (nzherald/nz) "the principle of law used to issue an arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir could extend to former US President Bush over claims officials from his Administration may have engaged in torture by using coercive interrogation techniques on terror suspects." -- No doubt Obama would do everything possible to protect the monster.
  • Our 'Liberal Media':
    • Media Blackout on Single-Payer Healthcare (commondreams) "Though more than 60 lawmakers have co-sponsored H.R. 676, the single-payer bill in Congress, Obama has not expressed support for single-payer; both the idea and its advocates were marginalized in yesterday's healthcare forum. But given the high level of popular support the policy enjoys, that's all the more reason media should include it in the public debate about the future of healthcare." -- NOT change we can believe in. More of the same greedy laissez-faire capitalist insurance and pharmaceutical company influences that have produced the high-priced disaster in the first place. Obama is enthralled to them.
  • Israeli Apartheid of Palestinians - It Only Gets Worse:
    • East Jerusalem Settlements Ratchet Up Tensions (ips)
    • Israel's Nuclear Weapons (opednews) "what nobody wants to talk about is the fact that Israel has had a secret nuclear weapons program for over 30 years that has produced well over 200 nuclear bombs"
  • A Flash of Sanity:
    • Obama Ends Bush Ban on Embryo Stem Cell Research (guardian/uk)
  • Comet Lulin and Distant Galaxies (apod)